In many of our episodes we'll be welcoming and interviewing guests willing to share their knowledge and experience with you, our listeners.
This is where you'll find their contact details if you want to get in touch with them. Underscored web addresses are clickable links.
Janet Efere

Episode 17/18 - 'How To Win Customers & Clients More Easily' - Parts 1&2
Email: jefere@tadpoletraining.com
Phone: 07748 994334
Daniel Bryk

Melanie Silver

Arwyn Pennington

Patrick Burke

Mac Laubscher

Barry Mitchell

Olivier Carion

Jon Baker

Richard Ambrose

Paul Ryan

Stefan Thomas

John Kettley

Episode 16 - 'They're Coming To Get You - Are You Ready For Them?'
Email: daniel.bryk@kyrby.co.uk
Phone: 020 3697 1870
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielbryk
Episode 15 - 'Excuse me - do you mind if we have a word...?'
Email: writer@melaniesilver.co.uk
Phone: 01923 212048
Episode 14 - 'If Your World Dramatically Changed....'
Email: info@timedia.online
Phone: 07973 728191
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arwynbailey
Episode 13 - 'How I Picked Myself Up After Falling Down On The Job'
Email: patrick.burke@aid4disabled.com
Phone: 07947 024691
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-burke-1669135/
Episode 12 - 'Discovering The Secrets Of Attracting Attention On LinkedIn'
Email: mac@machael.co.uk
Phone: 07909 903383
Episode 11 - 'How To Solve Your Debt Problems Without Stress Or Worry''
Email: barry@bmstrategist.co.uk
Phone: 07768 005324
Episode 10 - 'Finding Business Success In 2021'
Email: olivier.carion@salesmastersguild.com
Phone: 07940 728031
Episode 8 - 'How Businesses Can Close The Introvert Productivity Gap'
Email: jon@jon-baker.me
Phone: 07803 082724
Website: https://introvertinbusiness.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonbaker
Episode 7 - 'Standing Out On Your Website'
Email: richard@ambrosedesigns.co.uk
Phone: 0203 605 1282
Website: https://ambrosedesigns.co.uk
Episode 6 - 'Standing Out In Person - Making The Right Impression'
Phone: 07973 241289
Email: paul@improveonyou.co.uk
Website: https://improveonyou.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulryan4/
Episode 5 - 'Standing Out In Business Networking'
Email: stef@stefanthomas.biz
Websites: https://stefanthomas.biz
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefanthomasnetworking/
Episode 4 - 'How To Run A Standing Out Business - A Reality Check'
Email: john@johnfkettley.com
Websites: https://johnfkettley.com / https://salesmastersguild.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnkettley/